Friday, August 17, 2012

Part 1 of our Trip to Maine!

Dear readers,

   This is only Part: One of the trip to Maine (aka my first vacation with Sean!) I have so many pictures I wanted to separate the trip up from the actually vacation. This is in Massachusetts, we stopped at a butterfly garden because it poured so hard we had to stop. It was so cool, never been to one before. It was amazing to see all of the beautiful flutter byes, that the original name for butterflies. And no I didn't learn that there, knew it forever ago. Their are caterpillars, cocoons, and some giant ass bugs!
Babers & I
Tom and Sean

Crazy big!

Sean worst fear. "A butterfly better not land on me, I'll freak out" Oops, guess the bug didn't get the memo!

Part 2!

Hey, are you ready for the Maine part of the trip?!

   We made it! This was my first time camping, EVER! And Sean says I did it the right way, in a tent. Tom's Dad and Step Mom had an RV so it was nice to have our own private space. When we first arrived the rain held up and as soon as we finished putting the stuff in, it started to pour, not too bad thankfully! It was nice and dry in their so it was fine.

Our tent is that blue thing on the left side in the back

   They set up a canopy tent where the picnic was and it was netted in so we wouldn't get bugs in our food and they had a pull out one attached to the RV. where we kept coolers and a mini fridge, it was great! The campground had a beach/lake, gift shop, pool, and bathroom/showers, a place to play outdoor activities, and a little food place. It was a great first campground for a new camper like me. We even got a temporary dog cause our puppiams didn't get to go haha

Demo, such a good boy!

Tom find rocks to skip

The lake!

  One of my favorite part of the trip was when we got to go to the black sand island in the middle of the lake. Black sand is rear, especially in our neck of the woods, I brought some home! We canoed out there which made me SUPER NERVOUS (Yay for anxiety attacks). Maybe I was more scared of it flipping and ruining my Canon camera. But it was worth it, I was hesitate to even get in the thing to get there. I'm really glad I did. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. I mean come on it was black!! When we first found the island (their were 2) we thought it was just a paved rode then as we got closer we saw it was the sand, super cool.
Paved rode? Haha


Tommy in the back

We made it!

My love

Found a cool little tent thingy

I'm a pro now

It's BLACK!!
  Now for some random pictures! If you haven't noticed I love taking photos.

Showers and bathrooms, I only would shower after midnight hahaha

Tom and his dad (he lives there so it's nice that Tom got to hang with him.

We got fries, and the ice cream was the best we've ever had! We miss it!

Different few of our spot.

Our camp mascot, Beaver Campground. 

Best trip ever, can't wait to go again!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Butterfly Kisses

On your feet!

Crafted this idea from Pinterest with Bridget. Jack didn't want to participate in the whole putting your feet in paint. This is super easy to make with the kids. You can even make super nice ones with babies too. All you need is to paint the bottom of your feet, we did pink on the top and purple on the bottom.  Paint the body and head of your butterfly. Next place your right foot on the left side of the body and push down a bit. Not too much though or it might smear. And then repeat the opposite of that step. Next paint on a smily face and she wanted to add some flowers as well. So we painting the stems and middle then added some fuzzy pom poms to really make it pop! It came out pretty adorable!

Get messy!
- Christina