Saturday, February 9, 2013

4 smelly guys.


   It snowed.... A LOT. It was up to my hips! Streets were not shoveled all places were closed. Their was going no where! I was stuck in a house for a week with 4 guys. And two extras stopped by. So you can imagine how smelly and gross it got. I couldn't even recognize the downstairs....They played video games a week straight, food everywhere, dishes piled up high in the sink, dirty clothes tossed about, shoes all crowding the front door way, and pillows and blankets surrounded them. It was a girls worst dream... my nightmare. I pretty much stayed up in the bedroom the whole time with Abby and Ed snuggling.
Trying to shovel a path for Abby to pee.

Didn't get the snow blower anywhere close to leaving that garage!

Nope, that cars staying.

   But it was fun all getting together so we all weren't stuck bored my ourselves trapped in our homes. Abby loved the snow, Ed looked out side and was so confused... Haha.

"Okay, can we go out now?"
Beautiful girl < 3

Ed relaxing inside
Hope you all stayed safe!

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