Monday, February 22, 2010


I need Sarah Dessen to write another book right now! I need it, she is amazing. I read qoutes from her books like everyday hahaha.

a list..

My sister says I need to make a list of something I want to do, and actually do them. This isn't my big list that will take my whole life, just a small one to get started on.

-Go to hairdressing school [I already signed up!]
-Get dreads [christina, you've wanted them so long forget what other people will think just do it!]
-Road trip. [to anywhere, doesn't matter.]
-Make new friends of the female persuasion. [I have none of those really.]
-Read some new books [I haven't read in a while, and I love readinggg.]
-Get some of the tattoos I want, soon.
-Sign up for a photography class.
-Get a new wallet, it's time to depart from my 7 year duct tape wallet I made in 6th grade. [it's still good, but now my stuff gets sticky :( ]
-Get a real job.. maybe..

I loved this photo, from spongebob haha

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just drive...

I want to just drive, not stop. Keep going till I can’t anymore. Get a van, fill it with little things I’ll need and a mattress, get a play list and I’d be all set. I hate life sometimes, I hate how I am. I’m meant to be free. I can’t be tied down, in one place. It’s just not meant to happen that way. I need to leave. I feel trapped. I always feel trapped. Even when I’m clearly not. I want to do what I want to do, when I want to do it. I don’t want anyone telling me how to act, what to wear, how to feel. That’s not how it should be.

I want to see things, feel things, be things. Always. I need adventure and life to be within arms reach. I need to go.
I want to be able to scream, think, cry, sing by myself as I drive.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I can't wait to have children and name them. My list is this. I mostly think of girl names so I better have a girl first! haha [fyi not preggers no worries, just love thinking about it]

-Tabitha aka tabby

Idk any other guy names :[

oh when baby taylor was still so small, she's so cute!

Friday, February 12, 2010

what are you fearing??

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."

That statement is dead on when it comes to me. Why do I let it run my life?!

Friday, February 5, 2010

This week has been doppelganger week

Fact: Most people are dumb.
Fact: You are not Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, nor are you a Victoria Secret model.
Fact: Just cause you have the same hair color doesn't mean you look like that celebrity.

People have told me only 5 people I look simliar too, they are...

1. [got this more then once] Kari Byron from Mythbusters, I don't see it but that's what they said.

2. Hayley Williams from Paramore, that was more when I had the same color hair though, I can kinda see it I guess..

3. Stephanie Courtney, best known for playing Flo from the progressive insurance, I can see wear people can see this one...

4. This is my fav one, Rita Hayworth, dancing and actress in the 40s mostly.

5. And my mom is confinced I look like Lauren Bacall. I only see the similarities in the lips though, maybe the eyes cause I have smaller eyes...

Well these are all beautiful ladies, so I don't mind being compared to any of them. Thoughts??

Redheaded me for kari and hayley, thats when people told me I looked like them.
That one I look like Kari I think...