Monday, March 22, 2010

She's a dayy tripper

   Man, oh man, I love day trips. Their one of my favorite things to do, especially when it's nice weather out! I like when you just get in the car and go.  Weither it's to a random place or a certian destination. I just grab my camera and blast the music loud and it's wonderful! You really can make alot of memories and see tons of cool or unqiue things. I went on a few day trips over this past week. And I can't wait to go on so many more.
    I went down by the shore looking out into the ocean for the first time this year. It was a bit chilly, but still beautiful. I even stood in the water for a min haha, any longer would have made my feet numb! Then I went to cute little towns and walked around with my dad, such cute shops! I love antique shopping. I want to go so many this summer.
    Then the other day I went to New London to the boardwalk with my friend. [Note: don't wear a dress yet! it's cold and windyyy] We got some nice shots though and went backroads home, through random towns I never heard of. Didn't really know if we were going the right way, just kinda kept driving straight, but we made it home safe. But in one of the towns we passed a covered bridge! So we stopped and explored it and took tons of pictures. It was beautiful! Those are so rare to see now a days. So I'm glad we got to pass it! It was a fabulous day and I can't wait to find more random places around CT.

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