Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Favorite Day


2014 Diva's wedding last summer.
   November 1st is the most wonderful day of the year, and that's saying a lot because Christmas is LIFE. Today is the day Sean and myself celebrate the start of our life together. This year marks our 5th anniversary!!! Can you believe it?! 5 years being truly in each others lives.

   We met once through a friend and ended up being facebook friends the same day. Years passed and it was about 6 years later, in 2010 we reconnect via liking each others photos and eventually talking on AIM and I asked him out. We had the perfect first date. Which it wasn't till the end of it I was able to really know it was in fact a first date not a hang out, haha! It's the only date I've ever been on that was unique. He brought me to this beautiful park around a reservoir. It was a gorgeous fall day, the leaves were beautiful yellows and oranges. The weather was perfect with the sun shining. Their were friendly passer byers along the path and we got to stop and pet this adorable dog. We just talked the whole time and sat on a bench and just got to know each other as we looked out at the water and the mountains across the way.

   Sean got a phone call from his friends saying they were all heading to a beer brewery and wanted him to come. I was 19 and Sean was 22.  So I couldn't go, I kind of felt sad that our date was about to end. But then to my surprise he said he didn't want to go! I knew that meant he was also having a good time. We were hungry and headed to friendly's, my favorite restaurant at the time. At the end of eating Sean pid for the both of us! I knew then it was a date!

2010, our first photo together his Halloween party.
   Next we left to head to his place because he had to take his dog out. We joke now that's how he got me, his dog. You can't resist a dog. We hung out on his trampoline with his dog and looked up at the stars as we talked. I noticed his dog was close to the edge of it. I said "I think she's going to jump off. And he was like oh no, she defiantly won't do that, then I repeat and say I really think she's going to jump down! And sure enough she did then took off down the street! Sean ended up chasing her for 15 minutes. His dog was so goofy as she ran and he looked so cute as he chased her down. He got her and we headed inside and laughed about his denial. We sat on his couch and watched movies. Cloverfield to be exact. We ended up holding hands, once Abby (the dog) moved from the middle of the loveseat we were on. She was clearly in love with him and didn't want to share, haha! And that's all we did. It was sweet and innocent, I really liked it. Then we stayed up till 2:30 am just watching movies. Then he brought me home. It was the perfect first date!

   The next 2 days we hung out and watched movies, we did end up having our first kiss, lol. Then about a week later on Halloween night, well around 2 am so technically November 1st, he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was so cute! And of course I said yes. I couldn't believe it. After a series of bad relationships of jerks after I graduated high school that wouldn't officially date me. because no one wanted real relationships. I didn't think a guy would really like me, to be with me. I thought my soon to be 20s were not about real love. When he asked me, my heart skipped a little faster that night. I knew this was something special. Everything worked out, we were a perfect match.

2010, our first day trip to NYC going to art museums 
   A month went by, then 2, then 3... my longest relationship ever. We spent the holidays together, that was a first for me. He liked me enough to want his family to know me too. I was truly happy! Then it was a year, then 2, then 3, then 4.. then it had been half a decade. Sharing our lives, living together, traveling together. Our love is my favorite thing, he is my favorite person. He is my person. He has been there through everything. The worst and the greatest. Some of my favorite memories are shared with him. I still can't believe I am this lucky and we've been together. Meeting him once by chance for just
3 hours and to what we have become now. He is the man who makes me a better person, he completes my heart. We're five years in, but were still madly in love and act just like we begun.

Okay, now that I've made myself cry, I'm off to spend the night hanging out with the love of my life!
   Love, Christina

The best thing that's ever happened to me.

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