Wednesday, August 19, 2009


   That's the number of time's I've moved before my 18th birthday all after the age of 8 or so. Numbers 7 and 8 are soon to follow. Yes, I'm moving again. and again. This home I have now is the biggest and best house I've ever lived in. It consist of me, my sister, my brother, my mom & my step dad, step brother, step sister, and step cousin. We each have our own room in this historical home.

   Things were good for a bit. We moved in all together in April of 2009. But now it's August and we've discovered the real person we're living with. Seeing my mother cry almost every night is not something I was expecting from this. We have to move sneaky and fast. My mom & I are going to being living with my aunt, again, till we find a place for our family. I'm scared. I'm use to moving but change like this is a bit more difficult when their are other people involved. My step sister who has made such great progress with her depression and anxiety thanks to my mom and my family is taking this very hard.

   Its going to be tough trying to find a place for cheap. My mom got laid off before we moved in here so we don't have much money. She's so afraid being on her own again. Paying bills and renting an apartment is hard. No matter what anyone thinks.

   My mom has had a tough life and it seems that everything bad has to happen to her. She is the nicest and most caring person you'll ever meet. I've never meet someone who didn't like her. She taken in my friends in like family and even boyfriends I've had, she makes sure their loved. She is mom to all that enter her home. So maybe that's why I'm so confused to why bad things happen to her. Maybe one day everything will change for her. I can only hope. But as long as we have each other that's really all we need in life.

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