Sunday, August 16, 2009

my eyes through the lens

Today my sister, my biggest fan in what ever I do, suggested today that I go into photography, but I wasn't sure about it at first. I feel as though I wouldn't be good enough. But maybe, just maybe, people would actually like it. I enjoy taking photos and editing them to perfection. I do very artsy photographs and I also like taking photos of people. Lately I've been doing under water stuff with my new camcorder that also takes stills, I'm saving up my money to buy a nice camera that can go under water though. Maybe that can be my signature thing. Under water. Everything and anything. Haha.
We'll see how this career will go. I'm going to enter my stuff in the fairs this fall and also sell at craft shows. Taking pictures of the town I sell in is good, a lot of business around town like that sort of thing in their stores, like a cute cafe or something always has that kind of stuff. But if this whole thing works, that'd be wonderful. Doing something I love and getting paid, what could be better!

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