Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life is filled with constant change

   People are always coming and going as you travel through the chapters of your life. One minute you talk to those people all the time, their the first person you run to when you have a story or something exciting is happening, then next minute it's like they don't exist. When you see them, you walk right by as if you never had a friendship or relationship with them. Life is strange.
   My mom always says that the people who've been in your life were their when you needed that person most, and when they leave it doesn't mean they don't matter anymore, it's just time to move forth. Some people are no longer in your life but you still love them and would love to catch up with them, but then a lot of times, some you hate and wish never existed. But I guess that's just how things are. People come and go. You're always going to find new people and you'll always remember the old.

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