Saturday, June 6, 2015

Phase One Of Bachelorette Party

Hi everyone!

   Yesterday we had my sister's bachelorette party! It was at this awesome pottery painting place in West Hartford called The Claypen. You get to pick out a ceramic piece, it ranges from ornaments to figurines to mugs and plates. We had about 17 people come, such a great group of ladies. The reason we are having to bachelorette parties is because two of the bridesmaids are underage. We were trying to think of what we could do then my cousin Abby had the idea to go to one of those painting classes were they help you to do a painting and they usually have wine. But you still needed to be 21. So I did a little research then I remember that the girl I watch goes to the pottery painting place in the center with her mom. Adults go all the time too, you can even BYOB. So we booked a party for us. They told us we can bring food and drinks. I made the cutest cupcakes, we had chips, cheese and cracks, someone even made little sandwiches. Everyone had a blast! I chose a giant mug to paint. Anyone who knows me I love tea! I was on a flamingo kick, so I painted mine with them. One one side I wrote "Who gives a flock." My sister, mom, and I are OBSESSED with them. It's our thing. I of course forgot to take a picture, but once I pick it up Friday I'll snap one to show you all. The paint colors aren't the same as the come out after the put them in the kiln. So I hope I didn't accidentally do the flamingos purple, the pink and purple were very close in color. Haha, oh well. It'll still be awesome, I'm sure! Did a beautiful fish that you put a candle. I can't wait to see her's! Below is a group photo of all of us!

My cousin Abbie and Aunt Jackie are on the left, Cece (One of the maids) is next to her. My adorable mom is upfront in the black/white top. I'm behind her. Emily (Bridesmaid) is behind me and on the right of her is my bestie, Alex. All the other girls are Dina's friends. Though my cousin Marisa (Bridesmaid) left a little before this picture!

   The bridesmaids and I also gave Dina her gift. It was a wedding day emergency kit! I also hand painted her card! I'mm do another post to show it and explain what you should put in a wedding day bag! I'll throw a picture in of the cupcakes too! So basically all of you need to go to one of these places, you won't regret it!

Love always,

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