Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Hey guys,

   Sunday morning my sister called me to tell me what happened Saturday night... My brother Joe got punched in the faced. He was walking around Hartford bar area with my brother Nick and they separated and were just doing their own thing. Nothing usually. Joe was walking with a random friend from a bar to the next bar. It was only 10:30pm. As Joe was turning the corner he lightly brushed against a girl by accident. He apologized and the girl was like oh it's okay, no problem, not a big deal. So Joe with his friend continue walking. All of a sudden her boyfriend comes out of no where. As they are walking away, the guy yelled something so Joe turned around and get punched so hard in the face. He not only got hit but fell into a brick wall. He is unconscious and and is laying on the sidewalk for 20 minutes on a busy street before someone calls to get him help. Their was a crowd of people who WITNESSED this. They did NOTHING. That 20 minutes could have meant life or death. This makes sick to my stomach. My brothers eyes were swollen shut and all he remembers was being in the ambulance not a clue what was happening just hearing people talking. He couldn't even talk because his face had fractured bones and his jar was swollen. It was so scary. Then he blacks out again and wakes up on and off in the hospital. They had no one to call because my brother didn't have his phone on him. So my mom got a call at about 8am form the hospital! My mom couldn't even recognize him, his face was so bad. What the hell is wrong with people. Not ONE person did anything, they all just left him laying there, not moving. As of know they don't know much. I hope they find this guy and arrest him. I just feel sick over this. Honestly, I hope these people think about what they have done and that guy pay a price for what he did.

Please remember to help people in need and don't just walk away...

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