Friday, April 19, 2013



   Hope everyone is safe. This week has been crazy for Boston and more. I send my love to everyone affected. It was so scary, I know someone who was literally a block away! Now that he is caught and his brother is dead, I hope the people of Boston can sleep well again. But one thing from this I do not approve of is hate, hate to people who have nothing to do with this horrific act. Muslims aren't terriost. Are you people really that stupid to think that what Muslims are? They are PEOPLE. You know same as you and I. It makes me sick to think Muslims are being punished for what these two men did. If they were real Muslims they wouldn't have done this, says so in their book, the Quran. 

   We have bad people in every religion, race, nationality, etc. When will people realize this. Westboro Baptize Church is Christian and do awful hate crimes, yet people don't judge all Christians for what those few do. So why Muslims? Makes me sick to my stomach knowing innocent Americans are being treated different cause of their religion/beliefs and being told by people "Why don't you leave our country!".  Well idiots, it's because it's their country too! A friend from high school told me that she has gotten threatening phone calls. I couldn't believe it! She is one of the nicest people I have ever met. To think people are treating her and her family like that... I'm disgusted with these prejudice people.

   I hope one day people will realize bad people are just that, bad people. Not defined as all Muslims or anything other than that.  

Their was a post that had been going around (That top image). So some responded with this photo!

Peace. Love. Hope.

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