Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Hello my little tadpoles,

   Today I repainted an old umbrella holder, the kind that goes under the table. It was probably about 8 years old. So it was super faded and dirty/rusty and cracked in some spots. But I'm cheap and all it needed was a little love and attention. So I got out the paint!!!

   It was warm and sunny so I did it outside while the pup and cat played in the yard. Painting the frog I used super bright colors so it would go better with my patio decor. I didn't have red so I did pink mushrooms with purple stems. As you can see the very bottom isn't painted, I honestly didn't care because it was super dirty/rusty and I didn't want to ruin my brushes. I suggest using outdoor paint which you can find at your local craft store. The have paint for stuff like bird feeders that you can use.

   You can basically do this for any outdoor decor you have, such a garden gnomes! Just last year I painted my metal sunflower cause it was really faded and I made it more 3D. You can even repaint something you find at a tag sale. It super easy. I learned this from my mom, she usually just repaints stuff. She bought at an end of summer sale some outside door signs and painted them fall colors instead! I get all my craftiness from her.

   Just start by cleaning it your piece. Get all your paint colors picked out and ready. Have your paint brushes and a cup of water for them. Paper towels for any mess and a paper plate to pour paint on (I use an old tupperware that I just use every time.) I wish I had used spray paint to cover the whole thing with as a base coat but oh well! So maybe do that! I just did one section at a time and did the smaller details last. It not perfect but, hey! It's shoved under a table, haha!

I like it!


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