Monday, April 20, 2015

The Bridal Shower


   Sunday was absolutely perfect. The sun shinning and everyone ready to go. Everything was prepped in the boxes and bags for transfer. We already organized each tables stuff in labeled boxes so everyone got one and just set it up! Super simple. Everyone had there job so things would go smoothly. We had a few hiccups but all in all it was a wonderful day! I'm just going to share pictures and let them speak for themselves!

Full view of table set up!

Two of the centerpieces, they were so pretty!

The little details of the table, we had snacks and favors all ready!

My gift for Dina, it was CATtastic, hehe!

 The picture above is mostly the bridesmaids then in one corner is the aunts and the older women are my grandma and her best friend Betty. We of course did our mirror selfie!

 Dina arrived! Photo of her with my Mom. Marisa and Emily were in charge of the seating, look at those clipboards! And the bottom corner is the mother of the groom and mother of the bride.

I'm not going to explain each picture! But the top is the bridal party, some are of the games and speeches, opening gifts, and family pictures!

This day was better than we could have imagined and now it's over! Months of planning and now nothing! It went by so quickly. Wedding is in about 75 days! Let's do this!

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