Saturday, August 15, 2015

Annual Pig Roast

Hey peeps,

   I am very against pig's cooking, especially right in front of me. But it is always a blast at Sean's family's annual pig roast! They block off the cul-de-sac, granted only three houses are on it. Sean's parent's house, across from that is Nonnie and Nonno's house and right between them is Uncle Mark's house!

   Tons of people come, like 100, probably more! It's like a block party. Plus we invite a bunch of our friends. Each year they seem to add more and more things! They have backyard games, like corn-hole and disc jam.  The kids have tons of toys and chalk which is fun for all, obv. They had a giant wood Jenga this year someone made. A small maze for the little ones. And A GAINT BLOWUP NINJA COURSE! Like the most amazing this ever. They had one last year and a bounce house, it was a huge success so they did it again. All of us do races, it's hilarious because most of them are drunk, haha!

 My favorites, Kayla and Alex!

   It was sweltering out but worth the sweat to have some fun and good food! Well that's about it!
- Christina

P.s. Asked Kayla to snap a picture of Abby and I. She was looking at the camera and I bent down and went to put my arm over her and she decide to decline. Though she captured the moment Abby said "Stop mom. You're embarrassing me."


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