Saturday, August 29, 2015


    Seattle, is defiantly a certain type of person's cup of tea. As for Sean and I... it isn't really ours. Don't get me wrong we are having some fun and even got to meet up with a friend who now lives there. We of course had memorable highlights! My sister, Dina had just been here 2 weeks prior for her honeymoon trip down the west coast. So she gave us some tips and suggested a few things Sean and I would enjoy. So here is my last full post before I head to our cruise! We have internet here at the hotel but not on the ship or at sea for that matter, I'll throw a few instagram posts up if I can/have service since I have blogger on my iphone! 

   Okay so anyway, back to the post... We arrived here Thursday night, a whole day earlier then we were suppose to leave, I had to finish packing a lot sooner! I got sick on the plane (Not like gross sick, just anxiety sick) Not good, so I passed out the first night. It was 10:30 pm by the time we arrived at the hotel, so not too big of a deal. So it was all a blur to me. Thankfully the next day we woke up early and headed out. 

   Seattle is a city, guys! A city. I am not a city person at all. As Sean and I walked the streets our first day here which was Friday. He turned to me as were exhausted and hot and starving and says "Why are we walking in a city... we hate cities." He is 100% right.

   Dina suggested we go to the Seattle Aquarium. Defiantly up my ally of something I'd enjoy, and Sean loves fish so it was perfect. We walked there so we got to see it all, not that appealing to look at, sorry Seattle. I like nature not buildings. Plus there was a lot of construction going on, so kind of annoying to keep having to change sides of the sidewalk or go down a different street. Did I mention there is a ridiculous amount of hill-ege. I was like dying walking back to the hotel at the end of the day because the hills are so steep!

   We finally arrived at the aquarium and it did not disappoint. We saw otters (My favsies) and seals and tons of fish. Well, obviously. They even had a spot you could touch some underwater plants and starfish, granted I was scared to touch the weird moving plant. I don't know why, I'm such a baby! But I got some great photos there so I'll just share some of my favorites. This picture is a sea slug, it was giant and I defiantly wouldn't want this next to my foot while swimming in the ocean. No thank you. They came in orange, red, yellow, and had these crazy spikes on them, though I don't think they're sharp or anything, just weird. I think they were about 8 inches long. Below is my favorite picture, this baby otter was sucking on his tail like a human baby sucks on it's thumb. I just could not handle how friggin' cute this little baby was. 

   After that we just walked some more and poked our heads in a few shops. Clearly I found an awesome shirt with no pants on in an antique store.

   We traveled through Pike Place Market. Dina said it was awesome, she was wrong. Maybe if we lived there and could cook all the produce they sell or buy beautiful flowers to decorate our house or maybe if we had more of a bigger palette for food, instead of just burgers (Sean's life) and grilled cheese (My life). Just maybe then we would have enjoyed it. Plus it was packed, and we hate people. So we scurried through that quickly. But not till we walked through the gum ally we heard about. I regretted that immediately. If you don't know this I have a fear of choking on gum, I haven't had a piece since 4th grade. Not because I choked on it or anything but one day I just started getting anxiety about it. But anyway... I have a fear of choking but not being attacked by gum. I do now, by the way. It was so gross, I guess I should have expected that but I'm dumb. It smelled so disgusting, cause when you think about it that is thousands of people's spit covering these building and it's all over the grown as well. I mean it's cool in theory but not in person. And it's not like we added to it either, so it was pretty pointless of us to go. But at least we can say we've been there! The did have these neat quotes and even little golden deer foot prints all around the market's ground. I loved this one, it said "I have always known that at last I would take this road. But yesterday, I did not know it would be today." A very beautiful quote!

 So that was basically our first day, we came back to the hotel at like 3pm cause we were so over walking around. We stopped at the grocery store right next to the hotel and got some Ben & Jerry's ice cream and snackage! Sean napped for a bit while I chilled, then we ate left over pizza we had gotten earlier. We did go out once more to head to a special place called Hashtag... 

   A place where people can buy a little thing called marijuana. Legally. WIthout a medical card. Because it LEGAL. It should be in EVERY state but that's a whole 'nother post for another day. By the way I do NOT smoke at all, it's not for me. But others were super excited to go! It was actually really weird walking in and seeing it all, since here in CT it is not legal at all! Somebodyyyy got cookies and a what amount of weed itself. After that we watched Here Comes The Boom on FX, one of my favorite movies and stuffed our faces with ice cream! I love FX movies because they always show behind the scenes stuff before commercials or after them. Sean hadn't seen the movie so it was perfect that it was on at that night. I know some people think it's lame but it's actually really good. So if you haven't seen it, do that. 

   We woke up around 10am and went to straight to the EMP museum, Dina said that we would love it, especially Sean. It has music, pop culture, sci-fi and random little extras. It was super neat. They had a very specially exhibit that happened to be there when we went. It cost extra money but when the women asked us. "Will you two be doing to Star Wars Costume exhibit today, it's an extra charge." Sean replied with "We are going to have to!" He was so excited! It's one of his favorites. I don't like the franchise but to see all the costumes in person was amazing. Sean was literally in awe the whole time.
   The had so much behind the scenes, quotes and little videos to watch. One of my favorites I read was "In many cases in the film, the actors are working in a blue environment. So the only thing they have that is a clue to that environment that they are working with is their costume." said by George Lucas. Seeing the real R2D2 was cool and just an FYI Natalie Portman is super tiny and petite. All of her costumes were displayed so you can really see how small she is! She looks taller in her movies.

   We headed to the horror film exhibit was had all this cool stuff, including The Shinning's axe "Here's Johnny!!!" It also had the Jason mask, Alien, Frankenstein's switch board, and one of Sean's other favorites Shaun Of The Dead. But it should be SEAN Of The Dead. Then it was off to the sci-fi area. It had stuff about book and movies, including hover boards from Back To The Future and 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Who, and a bunch of awesome sci-fi books from the earlier decades like the 50s!

   The museum is most known for it's music! The have a guitar through the years exhibit, Jimi Hendrix exhibit at the moment, Nirvana exhibit of course because they are from Seattle! The had one room with a bunch of sound rooms, Sean and I did the one with a mixing boards. We were terrible so don't hire us to produce your next album. We went to the EMP's movie theatre to rest and watch a Jimi Hendrix concert for a bit.

   We ate some food at their food court. Once you by your ticket to the museum you can leave and come back as long as you keep your sticker on, but we were not going to risk walking for hours and not finding a place to eat that we liked. So we stayed and ate right there! Then we walked up to this awesome Looney Tunes set up. All vintage drawings and video shorts. It was really cool to see the original art work from the 50s including the famous What's Opera, Doc? short film. I even got to be in a movie of their's, haha. Just kidding! 

   The building was cool and tons of fun photo ops! Including this giant guitar near their gift shop. Oh and I forgot, we also went to this indie video game exhibit and played a few new games! At one point had an audience watching... so embarrassing since it was a weird game and the pressure was on! And not to mention I don't even play video games! Then we headed back to our hotel. Ate some store bought microwavable food and just hung out. Around 10pm our friend Andrew and his fiance came to visit us! And it was perfect timing because Tom and his mama's flight landed about a hour afterward! Then we spent the night catching up and the all enjoyed legalization. 

Okay so tomorrow morning, we check out of the hotel before 11 and head to the dock!!!! I'll try to post some stuff while were close to shore!

Love always,

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