Sunday, November 1, 2009

Running Away from Depression with you...

Grab your things. We're leaving, now.

There is nothing here for us anymore, can't you see? Here. It's torn us apart. No, not the people. Ourselves is what has done this. Our minds have gone sour and decaying in our thoughts.

Depression is killing us, why do you let it?

We could be happy. Together. Just push those things away, the things that say you have to be alone.
Miserable. Miserable. Miserable.

No, not anymore.
We have to run, far away from this pain. Find happiness. Find love. Find what we've always wanted. Isn't it what you wanted?

Or did you tell yourself, you can't handle this? It's too much for you, to push away those feelings. The ones that ruin us, that ruin me, that ruin you.

Pack, quickly. We're running out of time. The hate we have for ourselves is trying to take over. Hope is fading. Don't let it, please I beg you.

Let's go, and fast.

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