Friday, December 4, 2009

The Borrowers...

   No, not the awesome movie, the annoying people. Now that I live with my step cousin, she's big on sharing each others things, but...

   My number one pet peeve is people who borrow my things. I'm mean I'm not a rude person who doesn't share but I just don't like letting people use my things. I can't say no when they ask which drives me up a wall. I don't mind people who borrow something every once in a blue moon or on a special occasion, but people who keep taking your things everyday drives me insane!

   Being OCD makes this even more annoying. I like my shoes, nail polish, make up, dvds, and perfume organized a certain way. But when these people borrow things they don't put anything back where it goes!! How difficult is it to put it back exactly the way you first saw it? Really. Also sharing make up and earrings is gross, but I can't say no when they ask cause I feel like I can't.

   Also you can't borrow perfume, you use it and I don't get that back. I don't use my perfume everyday just when I'm going certain places, that way it lasts longer. But she uses mine everyday! I wish she would just get her own, also she's used my Chanel earrings for a special occasion but she still wears them everyday, I want them back. She also has my favorite purse but it's my summer purse so I'm not using it now, but I want it to stay nice for next summer. I hate confronting people but I want to so bad. She even has my sweatshirt which I don't want back now cause she already shrunk it in the dryer. I'm just so annoyed. I'm lucky all the people in this house are twigs so I don't have to worry about most of my clothes cause I'm more curvy and their more boyish figures. If they shared my clothes too, I think I'd have a heart attack.

   And I take pride in keeping my shoes nice, I mean there not like crazy clean, but I don't want all my expensive shoes getting ruined when they go to parties and get wasted. I don't want beer all over them! I paid for them and I like to keep them nice. And I have this thing were when you wear a shoe it molds on the bottom to your foot, and if someone else wheres them it makes them weird. I know I'm strange but I don't want anyone using my stuff.

   It's not like I borrow anything of theirs. No shoes, jewelry, perfume, make up, nothing.  If I don't have something, that's it, I don't have it. I find something else to wear. And if I ever do borrow something I bring it back as soon as I'm done and I treat it with respect when in my possession. I either give it directly to the person or put it back exactly wear I got it.

   So lesson learned to the borrows, don't borrow every 5 seconds, the person letting you really does mind if you do! Borrow only when very important.

Okay rant over,

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