Saturday, December 19, 2009

Things that really bug me, let me rant...

Cause ranting makes people feel better, right? I suppose.

1. People who think there all that, face it, your not. I know I'm not, but you don't get that you are not.
2. Not wanting a job, but wanting a job. I need it soon, gotta save up that money!
3. Guys, they are the most annoying people when it comes to love, but I hate girls, who does that leave me with? mhm. This is upsetting.
4. When you just want some cinnamelts from Mickey D's and you can't drive down the street to get it.
5. Speaking of which, not driving! That surely bugs me, will I ever learn?! Who knows, maybe I'm not meant to drive, do they hire free drivers for sweet girls like me? I wonder...
6. When getting older means... getting older.
7. I just want a best friend, girl, who is nice and not a backstabber... What's wrong with me that I can't keep a friend for long, their is just always something wrong with them. Ugh. How annoying is that!
8. Infommercials. And the fact that I stay up so late these days and nothing is on at that time.
9. Having metal problems. It really puts a bummer on life...
10. and lastly for today.. the fact my sister is in Boston and I am here, alone.

Sundayyy. My birthday dinner with friends of the women gender. I havn't seen most of them in a while. Come'on Christina lets get back in the social scene! I'm excited, but nervous. I'll try out my new handy dandy pills that make anxiety go away for a bit tonight and see if I'll want them for tomorrow.

oh and YES snow, beautiful snow is going to fall today/night. Maybe I'll take some new photos, flickr is a bit empty...

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