Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

How was everyone's Christmas?!

It was good, tough at first since Mallissa wasn't here... Mom had to donate her gifts cause they were still sitting in the closet. I wasn't sure how the morning would go, it was our first Christmas with both families together. But we had fun opening all our gifts. Mom's theme this year was room decor and bedding. She is so cute. Dina got colorful bohemian, I got indian/african hippie, Lisa got maroon colors cause that's what she likes. Nick got just random guy stuff. 

Lisa's decor
Basically all the decor was the same stuff but different. We each had a mirror and canvas and bedding but to our themes. Best Christmas gifts ever!

We went to Aunt Jackie's as we usually do. I love my family, it's always a good time when we get together. Plus they put Kramer in a santa suit! Adorable! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas,

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