Friday, April 9, 2010

do you ever...

want things to work out sooo bad, it drives you crazy! haha. That's my life. Well for the most part. The job I really want needs to call me, I want to work with one of my good friends and meet new people. She says everyone there is super nice and the job itself isn't that hard. So it sounds like a perfect first real job. I need this job really bad. I wouldn't even have to be a cashier! Which is good, cause then I wouldn't want the job. Also peopleee, I always want things to work out with them, weither it just be a friendship or for a relationship. Either way I want it to just work out for me, for once. I want some new friends, and I want someone to love me. I want to just be happy.

ALSO getting my dog paw print tattoos monday!!!
So excited :]

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