Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nothing ever changes, I always remain the same.

Nothing ever changes, I always remain the same.
I feel my insides pushing against my skin,
My heart pounds so fast you can't even hear a beat,
Only silence is heard beyond the sound of my cries.
I open my eyes to a room.

My skin is hot, but I get chills along my spine.
I start counting, and counting, and counting.
Nothing works. I inhale and exhale, but nothing.
Wake up, wake up, this has to be a dream.

Hatred for myself, consumes me. Over takes.
Eats me alive, while I stand here,
Alone in this barely lit room.
Where am I, how did I get here?

I feel a haunting breeze upon the skin of my bare body.
A body that looks as though it's weithering away.
A pool of liquid surrounds my feet on the cold tile.
My thinned arms and legs drenched.
I rip and tar my hair out of anger toward myself.
This can't be real...

I try to scream for help, I run to the windows and bang on the door.
No one hears me or see's me. Or even notices, anything is wrong.
I see them, there right there!
So close....  just glance this way, please! I'm begging.
I can't be who I want to be here,
Just always the same thoughts and pain.

On the tattered dirty walls, were writings,
Covering every torn wallpaper and crack on them.
The words were awful and familiar, a story of a broken girl.
These carved words were so painful to read.
But all of a sudden it came flooding back, it was me...
My hands covered with blood, I carved these four walls.
Why don't I remember? I was here before...
Did I ever leave?

I close my eyes trying to remember how this happened.
When am I going to be set free. Get me out of here!
I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself.
I don't want to be here anymore.
I scream as loud as a I can.
I throw a metal chair at the big iron door,
the rust barely flinches to my attempts.
I collapse, tired and overwhelmed.
I drift into a mind game of sleep.

I hear nothing, I find myself standing in a darkly lit room.
Where am I, this place seems familiar...
Nothing ever changes, I always remain the same...

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