Thursday, April 29, 2010

Girl are really annoying.

   How can anyone judge me or try being mean to me, they don't know me at all. They start talking badly about me, and don't even think of the consequences for their actions. Lucky, I don't give a two poops what there talking about but so many other girls out there aren't me and can take it much more seriously.

   It's ridiculous. If I don't like someone, I don't say anything to them. It's that simple. Cause in the end, I have no clue who they really are as a person or what they think inside their heads. I mean if people did something directly to me and I knew them well, then it's different, but I still wouldn't be mean to them, doesn't anyone know that saying anymore?! "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

   I mean it's okay to stick up for yourself of course, if people are bullying you. But the people who go out of their way to try and hurt you, are pathetic. People are so disrespectful these days, everyone just needs to be a little nicer, maybe get to know people before you say you hate them, you might be surprised you might like them as a person.

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